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Author Topic: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)  (Read 6895 times)

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Offline Steve Hurstville

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2008, 08:10:31 AM »
Ring me up mate, 0415 702644. Been too long.

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2008, 05:31:43 AM »
No real surprise there.

I know the thief is pissed again, but thats what happens when you steal stuff.

Yes Nathan lost his job after 2 days because he stole a mobile phone.

And yes, I warned people that he still couldnt be trusted.


Offline Steve Hurstville

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 08:21:58 PM »
Your name came up last week Damo, old bones and shit getting dug up.

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2008, 05:02:37 PM »
Scanerguy is Brandog eh?

Says alot for his point of view then.....

I reckon its distemper, and he needs to be put down.
But then again, his radio are maintained by a so called radio good guy (well they were atleast).
So *uck know or really cares either.


Offline Steve Hurstville

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2008, 10:01:13 PM »
Scannergay is brandog, why bother continuing this? How can you reason with a spastic who behaves like him on air? The guy needs a hiding, a serious hiding to wake him up a bit because logic, reason, tolerance, advice and all the usual forms of persuation simply haven't worked.
Treat him like a dog, fear and reward to change his behaviour. Fear of a flogging if he fux up and reward of not getting a flogging if he behaves.

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2008, 12:49:54 AM »
Damo said the following. 

Hang on...

Youre complaining about CB "judging" people on what they say on radio?

I hate to say it but.............

CB is not the place to have non mainstream opinion, you get marginalised very quickly (unless you can coherently argue a VALID point).

It is way to easy to make yourself a target by claiming your GAY/ TransGender /Transsexual etc. After all its rare that anyone answers to their words on air.
The reallly funny thing is, Retards get on air and claim to be gay or whatever just for the effect.
Then of course you have people like Robin who claim to be looking for chat , but in reality are just ratbags hiding behind their sexuality as an excuse to take out thier frustrations on air against percieved  injustices in the real world.

The point being, Radio is about who you say you are, not who you really are.

I am who I say I am (just ask anyone who has met me).


I say thats all a load of shit, You have an issue that you need to work on and its pathetic the way you personally carry on towards others in relation to there choice they have made towards there own sexuality, whether it be gay, strait, bi, or a fricken veterinarian, honestly damo grow up and accept the real world.  There are many individuals out there that target them as they themselves are homophobic and can not deal with it, mainly as they either been curiouse themselves ot there friend admitted to them of there own sexuality. You have a grudge.

Scanner guy.

Lol, you truly have never ever heard me on air have you?

I treated people on air exactly the way their behaviour deserved.

I am not homophobic (not that there is anything wrong with that ;) ), nor do I hold a grudge against Robin. I actually give it/her/him a go when it behaves and doesn't drop carriers etc.

Now in my personal life I have several Gay (male and female) friends, They know that their life choices arent mine and dont push the issue, which is the easiest way of dealing with the issue.

Common sense should apply always, but CB radio seems to have no sense at all.


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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2007, 10:21:11 PM »
Attempting to justify your behaviour with genetics doesn't make people like you any better.

Schizophrenia is also a mental illness with genetic roots. Violent and delusional behaviour which is a characteristic of the disease is also not socially acceptable.
 People may pretend they like (not hate) homosexuals etc, but you will never 'make' people like them.

At the moment, X-sexuals are given freedom to express when in context. Outside of that context, they are not accepted no matter how much they think they are, or they are entitled to it.

Homosexuality may be genetic, but large aspects of it are cultural. We're all familiar with the gay "accent". How does one acquire such an accent. It's not genetic, it's not even exposure, it is nothing but choice and self conditioning.

If a man walks into a country pub and despite dressing and acting with an appropriate behaviour for that pub, but speaks with a gay accent. How would you expect that person to be treated ? Certainly not the same as the other patrons, unless of course the pub has a sign out front that says "Brokeback night tonight !"

Some simple facts of life:
* Life isn't fair - get used to it !
* Schools may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not.
* Most people in the real world don't give a shit about you.
* When you do draw attention to yourself, don't be supprised if it isn't all positive.
* If you do not fit within the boundries of normal for the environment your in, then don't be supprised if special treatment isn't positively reinforcing.

You're posting on a forum where the majority of readers are hetrosexual males. The law may make them tollerant of freaks, but it can't make them think they are not freaks.

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2007, 12:16:29 PM »
I am right and you homophobic s are wrong.


suck that

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2007, 11:13:42 PM »
Damo said the following. 

Hang on...

Youre complaining about CB "judging" people on what they say on radio?

I hate to say it but.............

CB is not the place to have non mainstream opinion, you get marginalised very quickly (unless you can coherently argue a VALID point).

It is way to easy to make yourself a target by claiming your GAY/ TransGender /Transsexual etc. After all its rare that anyone answers to their words on air.
The reallly funny thing is, Retards get on air and claim to be gay or whatever just for the effect.
Then of course you have people like Robin who claim to be looking for chat , but in reality are just ratbags hiding behind their sexuality as an excuse to take out thier frustrations on air against percieved  injustices in the real world.

The point being, Radio is about who you say you are, not who you really are.

I am who I say I am (just ask anyone who has met me).


I say thats all a load of shit, You have an issue that you need to work on and its pathetic the way you personally carry on towards others in relation to there choice they have made towards there own sexuality, whether it be gay, strait, bi, or a fricken veterinarian, honestly damo grow up and accept the real world.  There are many individuals out there that target them as they themselves are homophobic and can not deal with it, mainly as they either been curiouse themselves ot there friend admitted to them of there own sexuality. You have a grudge.

Scanner guy.

Offline Steve Hurstville

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2007, 10:39:08 PM »
Fuk off Damo your on drugs lol. Fuk em all, if they dont like my opinion or stance let them try and change it. I've been around CH1 a while and I often have conflicting opinions which are rarely challenged and nobody has victimised me for it. And no,people shouldn't be judged on their sexuality. Sexuality isn't a choice it's genetic.

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2007, 09:56:07 PM »
Have you been hanging out on Ch40 down at the Phesant's Nest lookin' to pick up some truckies ?  :D

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2007, 04:29:37 PM »
Hang on...

Youre complaining about CB "judging" people on what they say on radio?

I hate to say it but.............

CB is not the place to have non mainstream opinion, you get marginalised very quickly (unless you can coherently argue a VALID point).

It is way to easy to make yourself a target by claiming your GAY/ TransGender /Transsexual etc. After all its rare that anyone answers to their words on air.
The reallly funny thing is, Retards get on air and claim to be gay or whatever just for the effect.
Then of course you have people like Robin who claim to be looking for chat , but in reality are just ratbags hiding behind their sexuality as an excuse to take out thier frustrations on air against percieved  injustices in the real world.

The point being, Radio is about who you say you are, not who you really are.

I am who I say I am (just ask anyone who has met me).


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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2007, 05:31:19 PM »
Are you upset because the other radio operators won't be your friend because your a transvestite or are you upset that the transvestites radio operators are more friendly than you want them to be ?

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Re: Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2007, 12:12:53 AM »
I think a persons sexuality should not be judged, but if a person that has/is a gender bender and they themselves judge others over the same issue they open the door to be judged, i hope i made sense.
What can i say but just that

Offline scannerguy

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Individuals sexuality (should it be judged)
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2007, 06:00:55 PM »
Individuals sexuality (should it be judged) ------- This is my say as i am only expressing my opinion (take it as you will  with consideration of others in mind.
 A persons sexuality should not at all ridiculed, judged, prosecuted on the out come the way one speaks of there sexuality. (I say this not just for my own spill of words but for all the others in the world that like to enjoy more a little indulgence that achieved by the intimacy of the opposite sex.

 Sex with the opposite gender is to some of us a part of life and not so to others, i not going to go into detail in relation to this as you may very well take offense in my oppinion.