Definitely a strange mob of radio ops, they read stuff about them, but choose not to respond! they are probably scared to even use the internet now (goodness knows why? - aw is it the ip logging) though maybe the fact that most 'internet user's IPs' can be logged on any site! (ken might be worried about the porn sites he's been tossing off too, now) lol! anyway Jen's just freekin weird! She only just 3mths ago discovered a phone capable of taking a photo!, (then acted all Cocky that she had one) even though most normal 'people' that actually manage to have a life! have owned one for years! seriously if you heard the way she carried on, you would think she was your great grandmother that had just been given her first orgasm! (read not pretty)
am I too nasty?
or just too straight forward?
or am I plain old evil?
goodness knows.....but I'm too dang honest I think!