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Author Topic: Commercial Idiot's  (Read 7620 times)

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2010, 10:45:31 PM »
Unfortunately the way it goes is... ham radio is for the hobbiest, cbradio is for anyone and everyone, commercial radio is for companies who don't want every twat interfering with their service or want repeaters/voting/trunking.

Companies can use cb, but that being said there is no law against us rocking up at their front door and jamming their signals (as long as our gear is legal). There is no control against foul language from cbers "mysteriously" appearing on the radios these business' are using.

As for the hang glider instructor, I'd have put that moron into CASA for endangering lives. There is no legal standpoint against any user stirring up some broth with a left now, right now. It is CB "radio for EVERYONE" after all and not illegal, nor is it a state matter.... its federal (I'd have told the coppers to f3ck off if they showed up at my house bitching I was interfering with a commercial user on CB).

On another note, I recently had the displeasure of travelling to Sydney and must say..... the repeaters down there are a joke, so is the entire UHF band for that matter. Normally I don't get to use the side band much but in general found the conversation to be much better and much more mature on 35LSB western Sydney.
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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2006, 08:06:45 PM »
No CB was not designed for hobbiests... it was allocated to EVERYBODY. This means, you, me, any anybody else who wants to use it for any purpose.
 There is spectrum allocated specifically for hobbiests ... it's called ham radio.? If you don't want to get a licence, you use CB.
 There is spectrum allocated specifically for commercial / private used. If you don't want to get a licence, you use CB.

Bottom line is they aren't breaking the law and are completely within their legal rights.
You're being hypocritical. You want access, but want to deny others the right to do so.
If you don't like the law, take it up with your local federal memeber. But I'm guessing he'll politely tell you to F**k off, because he'd face a bigger voter backlash than serving your whims.

Youre the radio gimp in the CB prison. All the other inmates treat you like you don't exist or their personal play thing.
You just let them do it or you lack the ability to do anything about it yourself.

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2006, 12:09:10 PM »
Wow, Ch2 (KUR02) is now having commercial users using the radio. I belive these opperators are unaware of their radio hitting the repeater, I was told they might be on a Sub-Tone.
hehe. You told me about the sub-tone b4 :)
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2006, 03:09:37 AM »
they dont always put them selfs on inoputs or the repeater channels, some of the comms componeys do that when they sell them the radios or rent them out, they get put on a subtone and they cant hear anyone that done have the supton so they dont know what freq they are using.
What can i say but just that

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2006, 12:41:22 AM »
The ACMA made it a free for all for all, that means ANYone can use it if ur the postman to Asama bin lardin, as long as your not using the repeaters or the inputs to repeaters or the emergency channel to conduct business all is OK.

And thats my issue, they use our repeater inputs!!! they can simplex it up on 9-30,39-40.
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2006, 12:19:26 AM »
The ACMA made it a free for all for all, that means ANYone can use it if ur the postman to Asama bin lardin, as long as your not using the repeaters or the inputs to repeaters or the emergency channel to conduct business all is OK.

What can i say but just that

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2006, 09:55:02 PM »
CB is for the people wanting to communitcate on a every day manner, not for use to support companies. There are commercial licences for a reason, and im not saying for the to "F**k Off" entirely just F**k off the Inputs and leave the repeator for every one else that uses radio's for a hobby. Their use of the Input disables many people using the repeator. As I was once told and now am trying to live by "Simplex Rules!!" Meaning you wanna communicate use a simplex (for naighbourly use or for business use). This Limmits the Range of the Commercial users. Congrats to them that they have come on the radio wave scene, but leave the business use to a commercial radio. Before i go ill leave this for you to ponder, If commercial are MENT to be allowed to use Citizen Band, why is there a commercial licence out? Appart from the revenue the government makes its to littim the traffic tramsmitted on public stations.

But that's where you are wrong ... CB IS for commercial companies to use for their own benifits in EXACTLY the same way that you use it for your own benifits.
The law say you get treated equally, there is not one special rule for you and another for somebody else.

The same can be said of hobbiests using CB radio... if you want to use radio for a hobby, get a Ham radio licence ... just because your too stupid to pass the test is no excuse. Oh... but it's a different story when the shoe is on the foot, comercial operators have money. Bzzzzzt. The law does not descriminate against them because of wealth nor does it descriminate against you for intelligence or lack of it.

The problem is one of education. In ham radio there are also no "rules" as to how the bands are used, but there are "understandings or agreements" like the first 100KHz of a band on harmonically related frequencies is used for weak signals like EME. Satellite segment, packet segments OR repeater inputs.

The difference between ham radio and CB is that the users are educated. They go out of their way to not to cause trouble.
In the case of CB, no such effort is made on the part of anybody. In MOST cases, it is normal to say "fvck you" and carry on reguardless.
It's not just commercial opperators, it's any user particulary repeater users.
So when a naive crane operator uses ch31 today, it's a matter of not knowing kind of negligence, as opposed to the repeater users who comes down to ch31 and abuses and jams the crane opperators rather than doing the right thing.

The right thing would be to contact the commercial user and explain to them that channels 5, 31-38 are allocated for special use and that their use of such channels causes problems for other users of the band.? In the case of somebody like a crane operator, you jamming them could see you end up in court both state and federal (ouch) for multiple charges if you cause an accident. Contacting the union/company and highlighting the case that using CB (especially on those channels) has the potential to cause accidents.

An example that happened a few years ago, my Hang gliding instructor uses CB radio for his operations to talk to student in the air. He puts the CTCSS on to make it more secure. He's quite aware of channel allocations, but that didn't stop some fvckwit jumping on the channel and giving a student in the air wrong and dangerous instructions.
This had the potential to kill the student, something as simple as "turn left now".

So I dragged out the RDF unit and found the guy and reported him to the cops. They took all his radios as punishment else he prefered to face more serious charges in court.

Hang gliding instructors and most other commercial users of CB are small time operatos who cant afford the big ticket licence fees that come with owning, operating or using a private channel. Those that can afford it or need better security do use private channels.

Bottom line is they aren't doing anything wrong, and it is you acting illegally by insisting that they don't use the band by depriving them of access.
Using ch31-38 simplex isn't illegal, it's just not recomended. Might I suggest you try education, either of others least not yourself ?
Lets see, I'm lacking education? no its the opperators trying to help their own company by cutting corners. Why are their licences? well? Its against the law for me to opperate on commercial without licence, its also illegal for me to opperate on ammature with out one. But not only is it Illegal its RUDE to use a band that wasnt designed for us. CB was designed for day to day use for hobbiests or for people to communicate with friends, now you still haven't told me why the supply the licence for commercials? Also who said that I don't try to communicate to the commercial's and try to educate them about using a band that was designed for their uses?
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2006, 07:19:15 PM »
CB is for the people wanting to communitcate on a every day manner, not for use to support companies. There are commercial licences for a reason, and im not saying for the to "F**k Off" entirely just F**k off the Inputs and leave the repeator for every one else that uses radio's for a hobby. Their use of the Input disables many people using the repeator. As I was once told and now am trying to live by "Simplex Rules!!" Meaning you wanna communicate use a simplex (for naighbourly use or for business use). This Limmits the Range of the Commercial users. Congrats to them that they have come on the radio wave scene, but leave the business use to a commercial radio. Before i go ill leave this for you to ponder, If commercial are MENT to be allowed to use Citizen Band, why is there a commercial licence out? Appart from the revenue the government makes its to littim the traffic tramsmitted on public stations.

But that's where you are wrong ... CB IS for commercial companies to use for their own benifits in EXACTLY the same way that you use it for your own benifits.
The law say you get treated equally, there is not one special rule for you and another for somebody else.

The same can be said of hobbiests using CB radio... if you want to use radio for a hobby, get a Ham radio licence ... just because your too stupid to pass the test is no excuse. Oh... but it's a different story when the shoe is on the foot, comercial operators have money. Bzzzzzt. The law does not descriminate against them because of wealth nor does it descriminate against you for intelligence or lack of it.

The problem is one of education. In ham radio there are also no "rules" as to how the bands are used, but there are "understandings or agreements" like the first 100KHz of a band on harmonically related frequencies is used for weak signals like EME. Satellite segment, packet segments OR repeater inputs.

The difference between ham radio and CB is that the users are educated. They go out of their way to not to cause trouble.
In the case of CB, no such effort is made on the part of anybody. In MOST cases, it is normal to say "fvck you" and carry on reguardless.
It's not just commercial opperators, it's any user particulary repeater users.
So when a naive crane operator uses ch31 today, it's a matter of not knowing kind of negligence, as opposed to the repeater users who comes down to ch31 and abuses and jams the crane opperators rather than doing the right thing.

The right thing would be to contact the commercial user and explain to them that channels 5, 31-38 are allocated for special use and that their use of such channels causes problems for other users of the band.  In the case of somebody like a crane operator, you jamming them could see you end up in court both state and federal (ouch) for multiple charges if you cause an accident. Contacting the union/company and highlighting the case that using CB (especially on those channels) has the potential to cause accidents.

An example that happened a few years ago, my Hang gliding instructor uses CB radio for his operations to talk to student in the air. He puts the CTCSS on to make it more secure. He's quite aware of channel allocations, but that didn't stop some fvckwit jumping on the channel and giving a student in the air wrong and dangerous instructions.
This had the potential to kill the student, something as simple as "turn left now".

So I dragged out the RDF unit and found the guy and reported him to the cops. They took all his radios as punishment else he prefered to face more serious charges in court.

Hang gliding instructors and most other commercial users of CB are small time operatos who cant afford the big ticket licence fees that come with owning, operating or using a private channel. Those that can afford it or need better security do use private channels.

Bottom line is they aren't doing anything wrong, and it is you acting illegally by insisting that they don't use the band by depriving them of access.
Using ch31-38 simplex isn't illegal, it's just not recomended. Might I suggest you try education, either of others least not yourself ?

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2006, 02:25:40 PM »
Are you forgetting that commercial users are citizens too ?
The whole purpose of CB is that it is for EVERYBODY to use freely.
This includes commercial users.
If you don't like commercial users, get a foundation ham licence. It's not like anything short of an idiot can get one these days.

CB is for the people wanting to communitcate on a every day manner, not for use to support companies. There are commercial licences for a reason, and im not saying for the to "F**k Off" entirely just F**k off the Inputs and leave the repeator for every one else that uses radio's for a hobby. Their use of the Input disables many people using the repeator. As I was once told and now am trying to live by "Simplex Rules!!" Meaning you wanna communicate use a simplex (for naighbourly use or for business use). This Limmits the Range of the Commercial users. Congrats to them that they have come on the radio wave scene, but leave the business use to a commercial radio. Before i go ill leave this for you to ponder, If commercial are MENT to be allowed to use Citizen Band, why is there a commercial licence out? Appart from the revenue the government makes its to littim the traffic tramsmitted on public stations.
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2006, 12:26:04 PM »
Are you forgetting that commercial users are citizens too ?
The whole purpose of CB is that it is for EVERYBODY to use freely.
This includes commercial users.
If you don't like commercial users, get a foundation ham licence. It's not like anything short of an idiot can get one these days.

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2006, 09:37:55 PM »
Wow, Ch2 (KUR02) is now having commercial users using the radio. I belive these opperators are unaware of their radio hitting the repeater, I was told they might be on a Sub-Tone.

Even possible that Ch2 has a "uplink" (receiver) on a commercial frequency that is in use (or has just become allocated) and they are using the same "uplink" subtone.... LOL  ;D

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2006, 02:37:14 PM »
Wow, Ch2 (KUR02) is now having commercial users using the radio. I belive these opperators are unaware of their radio hitting the repeater, I was told they might be on a Sub-Tone.
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2006, 02:04:26 AM »
What I found funny is that the AMCA tips the cops off when people sell drugs n such off radio, but when a "Commercial Red Neck" keys up its not a worry.... Well how about the beloved AMCA make some money by fining these Commercial users and FINING THEM!
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Re: Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2006, 04:11:22 PM »
its a problem on most repeaters, unfortunatly the AMCA seem to not care less about the citizen band as it makes them no money compared to comercial bands. channel 7 and 1 are allways getting crane operators on there with their "jib up" "stop stop" "slew left" etc etc, its flamin annoying
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Commercial Idiot's
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 08:26:59 PM »
Hey, I'm just wondering is it just me or does the commercial users using the Citizen Band get on your nerves?????? I'm a proud KUR02 (Repeater Station Situated In Kurrajong Heights) user and hate the constant Commercial Use during the day time. I mightn't mind if i had a bigger unit but I'm only a mud sation using a 700 MilliWatt Uniden 039P handheld. Greetz go out to the KUR02 Gang!! (Uncle Bill (Rivo/Schoies), Wayne, Pete, Tim, George(Cessnock), Miss Mud, Kay, Lena, Jess and who ever I missed out on!)
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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