Problem is from day one when the first repeater started SYD01 ch3 repeater, people played power games see who had the best signal into the repeater so they could control whop uses it.
its the same problem today but there is more power being used by more people, and now that CB ops can own a repeater, even some of the owners go into god mode and abuse there powers (powere Wat fucken powers) and turn off the repeater if they don't like what they hear or don't like people that use it, not naming names but one woman does this (Oops still dint name Miss Burger) bugger did i say that out loud on the forum Hmmm hahahaha.
Then you have bottom feeders like the blacktown crew and most of yo know who they are hey Craig lol.
UHF CB should have all repeaters removed and simplex is enough. with a good setup using 5watts can be heard all over the place, i know as i used to do it location location lol.
I vote to make UHF CB a even playing field for everyone.