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More lies
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 07:06:32 PM »
had to have a laugh spud was on syd01 saying i doped him into the cops for having guns, well thats what he says he said that he was raided this afternoon only just found out about this at 6:03pm today as a person rain me and said am i listening on ch1 with was the scab spuds going on with.

SO its got to be me if spud breaks the law and they bust him every time he breaks the law and they grab him he blames me, how nice.

just like his F**k buddy Steve Maryland's lol.

just think sooner or later this scab will be gone they will put him in jail and he will become BUBAS F**k toy.

Also some may have heard from spud or his F**k buddy Steve merrylands that i said i would bash spuds bitch, well i didn't say i would bash her i said i would like to see her try and slap my face as i would head but her.

i have stated i have never and wound not hit a woman, this i will stand by. as that thing spuds with ISN'T a woman in anyway and i would not hit it with my hands only head butt it if it tryed to slap me, i will treat it with the contemp it deserves it wants to act like a lady so be it but if it acts like an animal i will treat it like one.

you can see it burns people like he has time and time again, then blames others for the shit he brings on himself and his family.
i will go on record in saying all bad things he brings on himself and his family he deserves.

Anyone with a family of any kind this rule should always be the most important always FAMILY always comes first and you shouldnt do anything to bring harm to them for your actions, you hear Kathy going on about how her kids are scared shitless when people turn up of a night time with a knife, well the kids dont bring the danger on themselfs spud and kathy do that, DONE SHIT on people and dont do bad deals over radios or cars or what ever. smart person would 1 changes how they do thinks and deal with people or get of radio.
What can i say but just that