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Page News and Updates / 18/11/2015 down time
« Last post by BuNtEr on November 18, 2015, 06:07:11 PM »
sorry about the down time this past week or so, living down in the deep south , there isnt many computer shops close buy, and the ones that are are over 80ks away,

So ended up ordering a new hard drive for the web server from evilbay, and it came in the mail today, now installed and up and runing.

there might be a few bugs , still a few to iron out if you get a page error just refresh your browser and it should be ok
Page News and Updates / WE ARE BACK ONLINE
« Last post by BuNtEr on August 08, 2015, 09:10:54 PM »
Yes its taken 9 months almost, Dec 15 2015 CBDomain was shut down for its move to its new home far far away from Sydney,
and hoping to be back up fast, well that was not the case, had to wait for telstra to get off there big lazy fat asses and fix problems at the new area we moved to so they could install new lines so we could get the phone on and get internet.

it was a great day when we got the phone line back on last week.

I know some of you lol hoped that CBDomain was down for ever, NOT sorry to disapoint those that had a big wish lol

So let the fun start and enjoy what CBDomain has to offer
Live Feeds / New replacement for 35lsB live feed
« Last post by BuNtEr on February 27, 2013, 04:50:58 PM »
Thanks to blinky again, he has donated a HMV RoadHound TX77 40ch SSB for the live feed and that's what we have running now it replaced the old Phantom communicator.

So again thanks again Blinky
Wyong Field Days / Wyong Field Day 24 Feb 2013
« Last post by BuNtEr on February 19, 2013, 12:39:40 PM »
Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day at Wyong
After the huge success of the 2012 CCARC Field Day, the CCARC Field Day for 2013 will be held on:
24 February 2013

For more info please go to  CCARC web site http://www.fieldday.org.au/

Entry fee
Admission $15.00 per person with persons younger than 17 years of age free.

Once again the CCARC Field Day will be held at the Wyong Race Course on the Central Coast.

Car Parking
Please note car park entrance is now in Rose Street
Parking for disability permit holders, registered traders and flea marketeers, is via the new gate in Howarth Street

The nearest train station is Wyong, which is a short walk to the racecourse.

Shuttle Bus
There will be a free shuttle bus from the car park and railway station to the main vendors area for those who have trouble walking.
SYD01 / Re: Crying victim
« Last post by BuNtEr on November 20, 2012, 12:24:38 AM »
sounds like i missed out, do tell steve without the address :)
SYD01 / Crying victim
« Last post by Steve Hurstville on November 18, 2012, 06:51:08 PM »
Imagine putting out addresses of your rivals for years, harassing and victimising people then sooking because someone finally knocks on your door to confront you about your bullshit.
So grateful for the sms to grab a radio and listen in. Channel 1 was definitely a good listen this week.
Wanted / Re: sideband electronics SE-501B 18 or 40 channel radio
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 14, 2012, 12:21:53 AM »
that looks like a hygain 5 wow great looking radio
Wanted / sideband electronics SE-501B 18 or 40 channel radio
« Last post by SSL-100 mike on October 04, 2012, 08:22:12 AM »
wanted one of these ..does not need to go but needs to be complete ..all original knobs..buttons lids etc
what is it ?..a sideband electronics SE- 501B (not the A model) ...it is a pll02a radio ..mostly sold in aussie with 18 channels ..willing to pay costs to New Zealand

wanted for my vintage ssb radio collection which is here http://dd182003.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/yeticomnz/

email me at yeticomnz@gmail.com
Chat / Re: Repairs in Adelaide
« Last post by hpssb on September 09, 2012, 06:18:30 PM »
South off the CBD by 20 minutes

Do you know the down south "usuals" - Pioneer radio, Tommy in the Christie beach area, Doublesix Ron at happy valley?   
All hang out on 35 lower.

They should be able to give you an address or a phone number for HP, or just email them at highpowerssb@gmail.com
I think they are at Reynella but I don't know the south that well, could be a suburb or two out.
Tell them Laurence sent you  :)

Chat / Re: Repairs in Adelaide
« Last post by arf65 on September 09, 2012, 11:13:14 AM »
South off the CBD by 20 minutes
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