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For Sale Radio & Scanners / swap trade an Icom IC - 41W
« Last post by billattwell on May 13, 2016, 11:10:15 PM »
I have an Icom IC - 41W handheld UHF CB radio in brand new condition w/charger that I would like to swap / trade for either a VHF or 27mhz marine radio with or without antenna.

I am in Koondoola WA and my phone number is 0421 646 586 or email:  boogooloorock@gmail.com for a pic

Thanks :)
before i forget when you start up HDSDR you need to go to the left side wind were you will see buttons saying sound bandwidth and so on there is one that says start one you hit start click on BANDWIDTH and pick on the top right of the pop up panel 192000, and then you will hear what your looking for when you find it, as if you dont do that you will have allot of trouble tuning into stations.

look at the photo below and you will see the panel open and set to 192000

Scanning / Re: $10 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio with RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick
« Last post by BuNtEr on April 26, 2016, 06:36:59 PM »
Also i have been told the  USB 2.0 Digital DVB-T SDR+DAB+FM HDTV TV Tuner Receiver Stick RTL2832U+R820T2 R1 Dongle will get warm when being used so dont panic , unless you see the cover melting or its on fire and the likelihood of that happening is rare.
Scanning / Re: $10 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio with RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick
« Last post by BuNtEr on April 26, 2016, 06:18:09 PM »
I have been told this is the better conector to use if you just want to use the the USB 2.0 Digital DVB-T SDR+DAB+FM HDTV TV Tuner Receiver Stick RTL2832U+R820T2 R1 without useing the spyverter.

MCX to SO239 adapter

Cost with free postage: AU $4.12

Ebay Link: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1pc-adapter-UHF-SO239-female-jack-to-MCX-plug-male-connector-GPS-RADIO-antenna-/172164068271?hash=item2815c733af:g:Wl8AAOSw0QFXC24w

ive also been told by Troy (Mr T) that you should use a usb extension cable, dont plug the USB 2.0 Digital DVB-T SDR+DAB+FM HDTV TV Tuner Receiver Stick RTL2832U+R820T2 R1 into a usb port on its own as it will suffer some interference from the pc/laptop.

USB extension cable

Cost with free postage: AU $1.96

Ebay Link: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/USB-3-0-Male-A-to-Female-A-Extension-Data-Sync-Cord-Cable-Adapter-1-6FT-SW-/161806379813?hash=item25ac696b25:g:aPQAAOSwTapV3fmw
Scanning / Re: $10 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio with RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick
« Last post by BuNtEr on April 26, 2016, 12:40:27 PM »
Now the airspy for you that want to use it aswell.

Airspy R2
Cost: $258.08 AUD


Seamless tuning of SDR# with AIrspy & Spyverter

Technical specifications:
Continuous 24 ? 1800 MHz native RX range, down to DC with the SpyVerter option
3.5 dB NF between 42 and 1002 MHz
Tracking RF filters
35dBm IIP3 RF front end
12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB Dynamic Range, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB)
10MSPS IQ output
Experimental 2.5MSPS IQ output for low power devices (Raspberry Pi, Odroid, etc.)
Up to 80 MSPS when using custom firmware
Cortex M4F @ up to 204MHz with Multi Core support (dual M0)
0.5 ppm high precision, low phase noise clock
1 RTC clock (for packet time-stamping)
External clock input (10 MHz to 100 MHz via MCX connector) ? Ideal for phase coherent radios
10 MHz panoramic spectrum view with up to 9MHz alias/image free
IQ or Real, 16bit fixed or 32bit float output streams
No IQ imbalance, DC offset or 1/F noise at the center of the spectrum that plagues all the other SDRs
Extension ports: 16 x SGPIO
1 x RF Input (SMA connector, 15kV ESD protection)
1 x RF Output (Loopthrough, U-FL, 15kV ESD protection)
2 x High Speed ADC inputs (up to 80 MSPS, U-FL, DC coupled)
4.5v software switched Bias-Tee to power LNA?s and up/down-converters
8 x programmable high speed gpio?s up to 100MHzv
3 x programmable synchronized clock outputs up to 160MHz
1 x core CPU clock output
1 x reset pin
2 x regulated +5.0 and +3.3v pins
1 x JTAG header
No drivers required! 100% Plug-and-play on Windows Vista, Seven, 8, 8.1 and 10
Better USB noise immunity
Better ESD protection on VUSB
Better ESD protection on the RF input
Added ESD protection on the dual High Speed ADC inputs
Better RF Shielding
Better RF Filtering
Replaced the micro USB connector with a custom designed, more robust, 4 through hole points model
Better thermal stability
Better compatibility with the SpyVerter

Were to buy


Airspy web page

Scanning / Re: $10 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio with RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick
« Last post by BuNtEr on April 26, 2016, 11:45:16 AM »
more of an update

i have been advised that the Ham it Up HF Converter is ok if you dont live near a hi RF area reason is it suffers from bad front end overload, but thats not the end here, there is a better one to get, that dont suffer from front end overload no near as bad as the others, its called Spyverter.

Seamless tuning of SDR# with AIrspy & Spyverter


Cost: $76.52 AUD

Spyverter Specs

HF Specifications:

NF better than 8dB
IIP3 >  30dBm
Minimum RF Input: 1 kHz
Maximum RF Input: 60 MHz
IF frequency: 120 ? 180 MHz
Phase noise at 10kHz: -122 dBc/Hz

Spyverter review


were to buy

you will need this cable to connect from the Spyverter to an external antenna

SMA Male to SO239

Ebay Link: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/321806447325?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=510730540720&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT

And this adapter for dongle to Spyverter if you use the above USB 2.0 Digital DVB-T SDR DAB FM HDTV TV Tuner Receiver Stick RTL2832U R820T2 R1 dongle

SMA male to MCX male 90deg

Ebay Link: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/0-5m-SMA-Male-to-MCX-Male-Converter-RF-Coaxial-LAN-Jumper-Cable-For-Wireless-Hot-/191726261299?hash=item2ca3c69433:g:YykAAOSwA4dWMXuE
Scanning / Re: $20 ultra-cheap Software Defined Radio with RTL2832 DVB-T USB stick
« Last post by BuNtEr on April 23, 2016, 02:58:23 PM »
Big update you can now but this for under $11 with free postage

all update info (links and info) are from Troy aka Mr T

There is a fly lead for this so you can plus an external antenna has a SO239 (female pl259) will post photo and link when i find them asap.

Ebay link for the USB 2.0 Digital DVB-T SDR+DAB+FM HDTV TV Tuner Receiver Stick RTL2832U+R820T2 R1 EBAY Link


also here is a helpful link,


i will post more info as i get it and update this as soon as i can

Zadig driver installer: zadig.akeo.ie/

Or download from CBdomain

Zadig for Windows Vista or later (5.0 MB)  zadig_2.2.exe
Zadig for Windows Vista or later (4.88 MB)  zadig_2.2.rar

Zadig for Windows XP (5.1 MB)  zadig_xp_2.2.exe
Zadig for Windows XP (4.99 MB)  zadig_xp_2.2.rar


HDSDR (High Definition Software Defined Radio) Software

link to page  hdsdr.de/

Or download from CBdomain


the newest Version 2.70 (finished: Novemver 01, 2013).

HDSDR_install (1.67Mb) HDSDR_install.exe
HDSDR_install (1.65Mb) HDSDR_install.rar

info link thats on the HDSDR site that you will not find the link on there page.

Using DVB-T/DAB RTL2832 based USB receiver with HDSDR

Or download from CBdomain

RTLSDR_with_HDSDR.pdf (1.41kb) RTLSDR_with_HDSDR.pdf
RTLSDR_with_HDSDR.rar (1.14kb) RTLSDR_with_HDSDR.rar


Download ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL from ExtIO_RTL2832.dll

Or download from CBdomain

ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL (100kb) ExtIO_RTL2832.rar

added info when installing the ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL if you do what the Using DVB-T/DAB RTL2832 based USB receiver with HDSDR.pdf says to do and it dont work add this on the c drive and it will

Copy ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL into your HDSDR installation directory (default=C:\Program Files (x86)\HDSDR)


Copy ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL into your HDSDR installation directory (default=C:\Program Files)\HDSDR) for windows XP


Copy ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL into your HDSDR installation directory (default=C:\Program Files (x86)\HDSDR)


Copy ExtIO_RTL2832.DLL into your HDSDR installation directory (default=C:\Program Files\HDSDR) windows vista or windows 7 or 10

if your runing multi core pc you can make the directory and put the dll file in both (C:\Program Files/HDSDR) or  (C:\Program Files (x86)\HDSDR)
just make sure the HDSDR folder you make is in upper case and your good to go.
Wanted / Re: SWAP: Uniden UHF UH - 090 dual band CB
« Last post by prionsystems on March 18, 2016, 01:15:01 AM »
Messaged you re the UH090.
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