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Wyong Field Days / Wyong Field Day Sunday the 28th of February 2021
« Last post by BuNtEr on February 01, 2021, 04:53:30 PM »
It’s that time of the year again when we start to plan for the
 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Annual Field Day
Sunday 28th February, 2021

Central Coast Amateur Radio Field Day is the longest running and the biggest Amateur Radio Field Day in Australia and in fact, the Southern Hemisphere! The great success of our field day is due to the quality of our traders and exhibitors which bring many people through the gates each year and this is your opportunity to become part of this great event once again.

The CCARC field day is a great way to expose your products to the amateur radio fraternity and add to your business base. It is one thing to be on the internet but it is another to be at the heart of things and for all us like minded enthusiasts to be able to see your products in the flesh before purchasing. We have radio enthusiasts travel from all over Australia and even overseas to take part in this great day.

What do you need to do to be part of this great day? Firstly, put the date in your diary and then complete the trader agreement and send it back to CCARC.
Wyong Field Days / Wyong Field Day Sunday the 23rd of February 2020
« Last post by BuNtEr on December 27, 2019, 08:02:20 PM »
It’s that time of the year again when we start to plan for the
 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Annual Field Day
Sunday 23rd February, 2020

Central Coast Amateur Radio Field Day is the longest running and the biggest Amateur Radio Field Day in Australia and in fact, the Southern Hemisphere! The great success of our field day is due to the quality of our traders and exhibitors which bring many people through the gates each year and this is your opportunity to become part of this great event once again.

The CCARC field day is a great way to expose your products to the amateur radio fraternity and add to your business base. It is one thing to be on the internet but it is another to be at the heart of things and for all us like minded enthusiasts to be able to see your products in the flesh before purchasing. We have radio enthusiasts travel from all over Australia and even overseas to take part in this great day.

What do you need to do to be part of this great day? Firstly, put the date in your diary and then complete the trader agreement and send it back to CCARC.

Once again, traders will have the added advantage of being in the new air-conditioned Marquee facility. A $50 site fee will secure your spot in the marque. If you have any questions or queries please email wfd-liaison@hotmail.com and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Did you know…
All revenue raised from the Wyong field day goes directly into maintaining the numerous repeater systems located on the NSW central coast that are available for all radio amateurs to use.


What is a field day without a raffle!
As always, the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club will be hosting a raffle in 2019 with some fantastic prizes up for grabs.
Tickets will be on sale underneath the CCARC Banner within the main undercover area.

What time does the Field Day start?

Public Entry is ONLY via Rose Street.
Gates open at 8:30 AM

Trader / Boot Sales / Lecturers should enter by the Howarth Street gate and collect their entry wristbands from the gate leader.
Gates open for Traders / Boot sales / Lecturers from 6:00 AM.

Entry for Wyong Field Day 2020 is $15 under 18s free entry
Did you know the Wyong Field day has a facebook page?


Please bookmark this website to stay in the loop for updates!

Field day road map

All announcements at the field day will be broadcast over 147.125, so bring your handhelds and tune in to stay informed.

Wyong Field Days / Re: Wyong Field Day 24 feb 2019
« Last post by BuNtEr on February 18, 2019, 02:32:46 PM »
just a warning to all members, there has been talk of people going up to wyong to get even with Louie

Known Aliases
  • Louie Zilly
  • Louie Zammit
  • Blue racer Louie
  • new in the box Louie
  • Gino Zadro
  • Luigi King

he has been upsetting allot of people in shitney on uhf as well as on facebook, on facebook he has been doing what Louie can only do rip people off.

SO please dont get even with him on the inside of the wyong gate, keep all violence on the outside of the Field day please.

Dont F**k the day up for yourself or others on the day, he isnt worth it, the Pres of ACCARC has put a warning out that anyone does any violence inside the gate you will be banned for life, and thats a fare warning.
Wyong Field Days / Wyong Field Day 24 feb 2019
« Last post by BuNtEr on January 29, 2019, 10:19:20 AM »
It’s that time of the year again when we start to plan for the
 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Annual Field Day
Sunday 24th February, 2019

Central Coast Amateur Radio Field Day is the longest running and the biggest Amateur Radio Field Day in Australia and in fact, the Southern Hemisphere! The great success of our field day is due to the quality of our traders and exhibitors which bring many people through the gates each year and this is your opportunity to become part of this great event once again.

The CCARC field day is a great way to expose your products to the amateur radio fraternity and add to your business base. It is one thing to be on the internet but it is another to be at the heart of things and for all us like minded enthusiasts to be able to see your products in the flesh before purchasing. We have radio enthusiasts travel from all over Australia and even overseas to take part in this great day.

What do you need to do to be part of this great day? Firstly, put the date in your diary and then complete the trader agreement and send it back to CCARC.

Once again, traders will have the added advantage of being in the new air-conditioned Marquee facility. A $50 site fee will secure your spot in the marque. If you have any questions or queries please email wfd-liaison@hotmail.com and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Did you know…
All revenue raised from the Wyong field day goes directly into maintaining the numerous repeater systems located on the NSW central coast that are available for all radio amateurs to use.


What is a field day without a raffle!
As always, the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club will be hosting a raffle in 2019 with some fantastic prizes up for grabs.
Tickets will be on sale underneath the CCARC Banner within the main undercover area.

What time does the Field Day start?

Public Entry is ONLY via Rose Street.
Gates open at 8:30 AM

Trader / Boot Sales / Lecturers should enter by the Howarth Street gate and collect their entry wristbands from the gate leader.
Gates open for Traders / Boot sales / Lecturers from 6:00 AM.

Entry for Wyong Field Day 2019 is $15 under 18s free entry
Did you know the Wyong Field day has a facebook page?


Please bookmark this website to stay in the loop for updates!

Field day road map

All announcements at the field day will be broadcast over 147.125, so bring your handhelds and tune in to stay informed.

Page News and Updates / New forum upgrade and new forum theme
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 02, 2018, 12:31:15 AM »
its been along time coming for the forum update and a new theme.

i have also re installed a video embedded so you can add the links from a shitload of places like Youtube.

also added a new Category for members to add there CB radio related Projects
SA / Re: BAR04 - UHF CB Repeater 4 - Mt Rufus - Dutton
« Last post by BuNtEr on September 26, 2018, 11:35:23 AM »
bugga thats no good :(
SA / BAR04 - UHF CB Repeater 4 - Mt Rufus - Dutton
« Last post by amen on September 26, 2018, 08:57:57 AM »
The BAR04 - UHF CB Repeater 4 at Mt Rufus via Dutton has been removed due to the Association deciding that there are insufficient funds to purchase a new repeater to comply with the new 80 Channel allocations.
CBDomain / Well its taken 15 years for the forum update
« Last post by BuNtEr on September 25, 2018, 10:01:13 PM »
Well its taken 15 years for the forum update

yes it taken this long to get the forum up to date and with a new look.

i hope you all like the new look, i have changed the theme and the icons, i still have a fe icons to change but that will happen over time.
Chat / American Eagle SSB CBers Club
« Last post by EricExtreme on August 23, 2018, 12:50:59 PM »
If you DX on 38LSB you may have heard members of the American Eagle SSB CBers Club on the frequency using an American Eagle call sign.

If you are interested in joining the club and being assigned a club call sign you may do so by filling out a 4 question form at http://join.AmericanEagleCB.com .

We have an official website at http://www.AmericanEagleCB.com and an official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/americaneaglecb . We are also on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/americaneaglecb
Wyong Field Days / Re: Wyong Field Day 25 feb 2018
« Last post by BuNtEr on March 03, 2018, 11:38:54 PM »
this years wyong field day was awesome, there is 166 photos in the gallery go have a look
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