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    • ACREM (National)
Training - First Aid & Marine Radio
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 11:32:28 PM »
ACREM-NSW has launched its Public Education programme, offering the community discounted training in first aid and marine radio operators qualifications.

In an effort to encourage more people in the community to gain their first aid qualifications, we are offering the following courses:

Senior First Aid (2 day course) $80
Senior First Aid (1 day refresh) $75

Advanced First Aid (3 day course) $85
Advanced First Aid (2 day refresh) $80

Anaphylaxis Awareness (1/2 day) $35

The First Aid courses are VETAB and WorkCover approved Nationally Recognised Training that is equal to ANY other first aid course of similar level. In fact, we have recently completed 2 Senior First Aid courses for local Scout Leaders and participant feedback indicated that our courses had more content, and better presented content, than ANY other course they had undertaken.

All first aid training is presented by experienced and qualified Registered Nurse trainers.

In addition we also have:

Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (MROCP)  - 2 day course includes Handbook + MROCP qualification: $105
Marine Radio Operators VHF Certificate of Prof. (MROVCP) - 1.5 day course includes Handbook + MROVCP qualification: $90

These are the courses and qualifications needed to operate MF/HF and VHF marine radio equipment. The MROCP authorises operation of MF/HF and VHF, with the MROVCP only authorising operation of VHF equipment. These courses are presented by experienced communications trainers, with the examination supervised by Invigilators authorised by the Australian Maritime College, Office of Maritime Communications, on behalf of the Australian Communications & Media Authority.


At present these courses will be run regularly around the Newcastle/Hunter Valley regions, however if you are interested in attending a course but live outside this area, please contact us as we may be able to run a course in your area.

Remember that ACREM is a non-profit Public Benevolent Institution. There is only a very small "profit" in these for ACREM, which is put towards continuing our operations. All trainers are 100% volunteer.

You can get further information, including lodging an expression of interest, by visiting our website:


or email: training@acrem.org.au

Australian Citizens Radio
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