Hiya everyone it's Robert here again with my 4th topic posting
A couple of weeks ago i signed up with ACREM via their website but got a email from ACREM president advising me that it would be difficult to process my application due to my location in South Australia being no where near any CB clubs however he offered to pass on my details to ACRM and i kindly accepted this offer
1-2 days later i got an email from the ACRM SA president who advised me that my details had been passed on to their secretary for processing and sent me another email with a application form attached to it?
Being that there isnt any ACRM stations in the Lower South East of South Australia i have been given the unofficial of ACRM's South East main station but i need to send off my application fee before getting my allocated callsign and training manual hopefully next week sometime?
I think that there should be at least 1 or more emergency monitoring CB stations in every town right across Australia
what is everyone else's thought