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Author Topic: its still up  (Read 2320 times)

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Re: its still up
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2008, 11:17:11 AM »
Well well well yes its down but not from Marys hand, the deal she had with metro comms has fallen over, its been said the deal she had and it was she hosted there site and redesigned it fell over, will thats old news as just over a year ago they got a new host and had there site redesigned buy someone else.

Now the repeater (the hardwear) has been sold, now Mary only has what she started out with the license only, no site and now equipment.

she never own the equipmet as she has stated she did, it was metro comms.

What can i say but just that

Offline Steve Hurstville

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Re: its still up
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2008, 08:08:00 AM »
Faaark me, I can't believe Crackpipe and Manrider can give anyone crap. Neither of them could knock sh!t off a stick and together they have the brain power of a flat duracel...
I had a good laugh, apparently Manrider was claiming that I have some gripe with Spud and was going to "Sort Spud out" lmfaooo.. Keep trying Leighton hahahahaha!!

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its still up
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2008, 05:44:34 PM »
You hear time and time again Mary berger spits the dummy abuses people and Carry's on how she has had enough of the crap and will be getting rid of or shutting down the repeater.

Many people wish she would, reason being they would be well rid of her and her kind and she knows it thats why she will never get rid of the repeater, wile she owns it she thinks she has some kind of god status on the repeater over people and that gives her dogs (crackle & Manrider) a platform to verbally assault, molest, harass, intimadate and to interfere with how people use the repeater as Craig Sinclair and Mary berger have said there rapeater.

Over the last 2 years Mary berger and her thugs have assaulted, harassed, intimadate and to interfere with people that use the repeater.

Do the math when the repeater was owned by Philips, the owners never told people how to use the repeater, nor did they verbally assault, molest, harass, intimadate and to interfere, there were no home invasions nor were there the amount of hatread towards each other like there has been.

Now since Mary berger has owned the repeater and had crag Sinclair servicing her we have had this.

increase of violence towards repeater users by x100,000,
Home invasions 1, and thats 1 too many.
assault more than 5 and 1 is too many.
Damaged to property more that 10, and 1 is too many
Increase of Illegal high powered radios & amps, increase is well over 300%
Threats of violence towards radio ops children, 1 from Craig Sinclair (threaten to rape my 13 year old daughter) thats 1 too many.
Have brought nothing but disrepute to the channel.

Before she owned it yes people had fights and arguments, but nothing like the level it has become.
there used to be Friday night meetings thats stopped as threats by Mary Berger's thugs, used to be BBQs stopped due to threats by Mary Berger's thugs.

You can see how things have changed she users her thugs to inject fear into a hobby that should have none.

UHF CB radio in Sydney is at its lowest level in the history of the Hobby and we see the people we have to thank for this don't we ?...

What will it take to return UHF CB radio back to some kind of peace well remove the main problem people, that will be hard due to that Radio is all these no life people have for a life, without radio they will have no god like control as they need to be able to control people and this is there only way.

I can see all the VOLANCE & FEAR they have been dishing out doing a 360 on them soon enough.

What can i say but just that