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Author Topic: A loser on ch1  (Read 2788 times)

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A loser on ch1
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 01:17:18 PM »
Seems there is a few losers that think that abusing a lady and bringing fear into her life and affecting her health think they are big men, Wrong your not your GUTLESS AND SPINLESS and you need to be delt with, and as true as the pope is German you will be.

One little person likes to send his little spinless dogs to do his dirty work instead of doing it himself not hard to know who that is, he sits up high and brags how no one is big enough to turn up to his place and face him, well thats crap there is proof that when people do turn up invited by said person he don't come out, he has a good reason not to come out his mouth is cashing cheques he body cant cover and thats a fact.

You have gone way over board this time and stepped over the line, and plenty of people willing to line up and give this loser what he deserves.

First rule of using your mouth is if your going to use your mouth to be a big man be man enough to live up to what you said, if you don't your all piss and wind and people will wait till your not in your safe house, you can only push people so far than people start thinking of ways to get at you so they can do the most damage for what you have done, and i would hate to live a life of radio were your mouth is too big and your to gutless that you have to pay a person to hand your dole form in, as you know if you stood foot away from your safe place you will be a sorry boy and you know that.

Picking on a Lady well that shows how gutless this loser is and sending 2 people to do it for him well that says it all, if you cant deal with the person on your own don't send your spinless dogs to do it for you.

The true reason you sent 2 losers to do your dirty work is you know you could not do it and you were hoping that 2 people would be enough to do the job ?, hate to say if that person was home you would have needed more than the 2 losers you sent as they would have been chewed up and spat out.

You think your a man? your all mouth, you send 2 losers when your the bigest loser and cant control your mouth, i know something you don't know already, for the troughmer you put that lady into i know 100% you you will be  delt with and get what you deserve.

i know you read these forums and you come up to channel 7 you may be able to dump on me but that will not be for long, as you will have life changing events making the most of your life from now on.
What can i say but just that