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Author Topic: Heliax  (Read 4526 times)

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Re: Heliax
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 03:59:35 PM »
I have some heliax for sale.

I have several lenths of:
LDF5-50 with N type connectors on each end. They are about 25 metres long. $100 ono
RG318 with an N-type connector on one end. (RG318 is basically the same as LDF5-50) $50 ono
LCF-78 with N connectors on each end. 40 metres long (new & tested). The ultimate UHF CB coax. $200 ono
At UHF CB -- 2.54dB per 100 metres compared to RG-213 which is ~15dB per 100m or that of RG59 which is ~35dB per 100m.

I also have several lengths of LDF1-50 and FSJ-150. This is thin heliax about the same diameter as RG-58.
I do not have connectors specifically for it, but RG59 connectors actually work quite well on it with only slight or no modification.
I can also get the corect connectors for it if you intend to use it on frequencies above 2GHz.
(you might like to compare LDF1-50 to RG59 in case you doubt how good this stuff is.)
 $1.50 per metre

I also have some  FSJ1-75.
This is the heliax equivalent of RG-59 (75 ohms). excellent for making up phasing harnesses or low loss scanner/TV/satellite LNC coax runs.

PM sent.

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« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2006, 08:28:42 PM »
I have some heliax for sale.

I have several lenths of:
LDF5-50 with N type connectors on each end. They are about 25 metres long. $100 ono
RG318 with an N-type connector on one end. (RG318 is basically the same as LDF5-50) $50 ono
LCF-78 with N connectors on each end. 40 metres long (new & tested). The ultimate UHF CB coax. $200 ono
At UHF CB -- 2.54dB per 100 metres compared to RG-213 which is ~15dB per 100m or that of RG59 which is ~35dB per 100m.

I also have several lengths of LDF1-50 and FSJ-150. This is thin heliax about the same diameter as RG-58.
I do not have connectors specifically for it, but RG59 connectors actually work quite well on it with only slight or no modification.
I can also get the corect connectors for it if you intend to use it on frequencies above 2GHz.
(you might like to compare LDF1-50 to RG59 in case you doubt how good this stuff is.)
 $1.50 per metre

I also have some  FSJ1-75.
This is the heliax equivalent of RG-59 (75 ohms). excellent for making up phasing harnesses or low loss scanner/TV/satellite LNC coax runs.