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Author Topic: Jen.....You have aright of reply on here..don't be scared!! you can't be mudded!  (Read 3499 times)

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Offline sandbagah!

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Definitely a strange mob of radio ops, they read stuff about them, but choose not to respond! they are probably scared to even use the internet now (goodness knows why? - aw is it the ip logging) though maybe the fact that most 'internet user's IPs' can be logged on any site! (ken might be worried about the porn sites he's been tossing off too, now)  lol! anyway Jen's just freekin weird! She only just 3mths ago discovered a phone capable of taking a photo!, (then acted all Cocky that she had one) even though most normal 'people' that actually manage to have a life! have owned one for years! seriously if you heard the way she carried on, you would think she was your great grandmother that had just been given her first orgasm! (read not pretty)

am I too nasty?

or just too straight forward?

or am I plain old evil?

goodness knows.....but I'm too dang honest I think!

Offline KennyClown

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Just listen to the repeater.   Most of the time its inactive and not one person abuses RIV04
Than It opens its mouth and people vote with the PTT button and start Chaos for it.
People hate sensorship and that is the type of regime that it pushes.

Needless to say people are having a backlash against it.

When it takes away the repeater key up 4 simplex and stop her communicating with others until it learns to play nice. It will keep talking and pretend that nothing is going on but be persistan st and you will succeed.  If People transmit simplex on 4 they can not hear each other.

This is not destructive as its you right to get your public repeater back from these tyrants.

It will take time but you can topple the Ivory tower.

Offline sandbagah!

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correct, it's a very sad situation on this public repeater, she keeps complaining of 27Mhz ops coming over to UHF, I t has happened and will happen more ....right across the band! the woman just can't handle change, and appears to me, to be a controll freak that is in need of mental help (mental/physical help from kenny won't help her though......as the poor bugga is in the same boat)

Offline KennyClown

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It wont reply!

Its an even playign field here, It cant talk over people here.

Its head shaking stuff when you listen to that lot.  :o

Offline sandbagah!

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hey...........I'm open, and honest, you certainly have an opportunity to 'log in' and state your opinion on this forum!!!

I understand that you have heard of the fact that your IP address may be logged, yes this is true.........but why should it bother you! (afterall you are the one that so often states that you have done no wrong) - why would you be concerned?

anyway.......She's gutless obviously......but hey.............What more did anyone expect? maybe the mole is so computer illiterate that she couldn't type her own name!!!

That could be why she **Hugz** her radio so closely..........maybe she can't spell!

Any way Jen Grow up and learn that you yourself do not & will never 'own' a radio UHF CBrepeater! as it is clearly a figment of your imagination!

I thought of 'deluded' but thought further.........check yourself into a clinic , seriously you need help!

You aspire to be come a JD...........sorry to even become an operator like that you have to have a majority that will talk too you ( a minority that suck up to you will not work for long).........take a look at yourself and cry!.........after enough grieving & counseling you may actually realise what real people think!

any way...........cheers!!! from channel #internet!!! hehehee