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Author Topic: UHF Radio in SYDNEY  (Read 2925 times)

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Offline Night-Fire

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Re: UHF Radio in SYDNEY
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2006, 02:31:33 PM »
I'm a new Radio Opperator as you know well bunter, but unlike some of the new opperators that you have mentioned I preffer to use the radio in a friendly manner. I don't want to climb the ladder to the top or deal iin stole equipment in trade for drugs. But!! I've been asking around and the old time users think its not so new. As I gathered its been a few years since this Stupidity of the newer opperators started. But regardless these acts of POWER and the things that are going on todate on the radio should be stopped! I would liek to see some of the new opperators be whacked down off there radio and for the idiots dealing in illegal drugs and stolen goods they should be shot.
.aTv //. Night-Fire

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Offline BuNtEr

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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 12:53:22 PM »
The last 18 months you may have noticed in Sydney the repeaters have gone out of control, there is a new bread of people on the repeaters wishing to climb the ladder to the top, and they will do anything to get there making up lies to make long term mates fight, damage to property & out and out thuggery,

This has turned some people to go get there Foundation Lic to get away from the crap and some people have returned to HF or just turned off there radios.

With the new people on The Sydney repeaters are driven by drugs of any kind and its gone beyond a joke. if the police were to send a task force to look into the drugs being used openly as well as sold over radio or given for stolen equipment, they would do 3 things get rid of the drugs the people using them and reclame any stolen equipment seized.

Were there is Drugs there is trouble, here in Sydney its ripe you can hear people talking about buying and selling of drugs you can hear these same people pulling bongs and going on about it freely on radio, in 18 months there has been more fighting and thuggery then any time in history of UHF CB radio in Sydney.

A couple of these people are foundation lic holders that don't deserve to have it as they don't change, they don't go buy the rules and regs thats been set out for them.

As i said Up intill these people turned up radio as a whole was much nicer.
What can i say but just that