I AM looking into buying this EPROM programer, as i would like to get back into programing the old Philips FN900s like i used to in the old days and the midlands. if anyone knows a better one let me know.
here it is
Eprom Programmer
Compact EPROM programmer at any affordable price. Can program most 27 series EPROM's including, 2716,27C16,2732,27C32,2764,27C64,27128,27C128, 27256,27C256,27512,27C512,27C010,27C1001,27C020,27C040 and many more.
Connects to standard computer printer port and includes connection cable. Easy to use software and manual is also included. Works from a 10V power source or plugpack, (not included). Programming voltage is adjustable by software and has three settings, 12.5V, 21V and 25V.
Please note: This is a complete unit and not a kit.
? Programs nearly all 27 series EPROM's
? Small and Lightweight Unit
? Easy to Use Software
? Can read, verify and program contents of EPROM
? Adjustable Programming Voltage
Special Introductory Price of AUD$105.07