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Author Topic: ScanAustralia.com.au has closed down its site  (Read 4201 times)

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Re: ScanAustralia.com.au has closed down its site
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2006, 12:31:31 AM »
this is shitfull to see happen and allot of the people on aus.radio.scanner news groups are gultless people some of them even stood up and backed him up big time as he was the PR admin for michael keeping.

This is all it takes to F**k up a good hobby 1 person to be sly and gutless and many people to stand there and say nope cant be we didnt see him do it (people that think if you cant tast it feel it smell it see it it didnt happen) well if you cant see the wind does that mean its not there also?.

Wayne Pryor and Dallas Goldburg  did the best the could do, people say there content wasnt the best or out of date, well its bloody hard to keep a site running with all the latest info if you are rebuilding all the time from michael and his GAY script kiddie mates hacking his site, these people are not real hackers as real hackers dont use other peoples hacking scripts or tools to do the job.

Keep this name in mind MICHAEL KEEPING from BALLARAT,  he is a SCAB and any other sly scummy name you can think of.

He has hacked CBDomain a few times, but i do not have the money to take him to court to stop him i am only 1 person and im not backed with loads of money,
if i had the money i would, CBDomain is powered by the people and there donations.

in time michael will F**k over the wrong person and they will find him and thats all we will know about it, im wishing for that day to come.
What can i say but just that

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  • Lord of War
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  • Lord of War
ScanAustralia.com.au has closed down its site
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2006, 12:16:41 AM »
read this it is from the www.scanaustralia.com.au web site

just in case its removed from there site here is what it says

Dear valued ScanAustralia members and visitors,

It is with great regret that we announce the closure of ScanAustralia.com.au as it currently exists.
This has been brought about largely by constant attacks by an ex-Admin member.
We do apologies for the delay of this update but we have constantly been trying to resolve the backend issues.
This has been unsuccessful and our final decision had not come lightly.

The criminal and hacking activities of Michael Keeping have made the site backend irreparable and we have decided to take it fully offline for the foreseeable future.
As a result of this ?Criminal/Hacker who should be in JAIL?, you the users, are now without this Scanning site.

This individual had deliberately set about destroying our member database and website on a continual basis, going back to early January 2006.
We can no longer afford to defend ourselves against this activity and do not wish to risk members? details against malicious assault.
Personal details have always been safe and any breach had only involved the mass unauthorized mail-out to the current usernames.

So far we have poured $34,000 into legal action to try and protect the site, its administrators and moderators, which could have been directed into the site for its users.
This has brought a very popular site and growing business to its knees all because HE COULDN'T HAVE HIS WAY.

For the record Michael ?Criminal/Hacker? Keeping was paid for his help when he was a part of the site and was told that after Christmas 2005 we were looking at employing him on a full time basis, with salary, to continue to help build and sell this and other sites.

This CRIMINAL has failed to turn up at any of the court cases he has been summonsed to appear at and therefore he has had every case decided against him.
This CRIMINAL continued to duck, weave and try to out smart the Victorian Police, the Victorian Sheriff's Office and our Process servers.
Why? Because he knows he is GUILTY.


This CRIMINAL now has several County and Magistrates? court orders against him but has continued to wreak havoc toward us, showing total disregard for the Authority of the Law.
Our final court win last week again found judgment for us, the Plaintiffs, but unfortunately we will most likely never see any of the substantial money and costs awarded to us.
We are more than happy to supply details or a copy of the court orders against this CRIMINAL to anyone who personally requests them.

Gold Level members please contact us and we will discuss your options.
Thank you to everyone for your support and understanding at this time and please feel free to contact us at anytime.

Wayne Pryor? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? wayne@scanaustralia.com.au? ? wayne@waykat.com.au

Dallas Goldburg? ? ? ? ? ? ?dallas@scanaustralia.com.au? ? ?dallas@mith.com.au? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Look forward to the any future announcements here and www.mith.com.au (coming soon).

What can i say but just that