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Calling all budding Artists


im no graphc artist or anything of such so my drawing skills are out the window, but i reckon something with.. and a microphone twisting is way thru some of the letters like a snake and maybe some background imaging like a tower & antenna & maybe an lcd display or something would look pretty awsome....

anyone wanna work on that idea go ahead, im just a thinking... :)

To all you good people out there we are looking for your input! [/color][/b]
 We would like anyone with an idea or two on a design for a CBDomain T-shirt and possiably other apparel like hats etc to show us your stuff. All the deign submissions can be posted here or emailed to Myself or BuNtEr, once we start getting a few ideas/submissions through we will create a poll and have you all vote for your favorite and take it from there. Who knows we may even dig up a prize for the winning design.
 So get those creative juices flowing and have a go


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