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35LSB live feed

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This afternoon the 35LSB live feed was done for some maintenance, when it was donated i have been lazy and had the radio just sitting on a shelf, today i made a longer power cord and put a fuse in line as well as bolted it to a bracket on the shelf so its permanate, and out of the way so it will not get damaged or accidentally turned off or knocked off frequency.

The radio will drift from time to time, there isn't much i can do about that but to every know and then have a listen and see if it need to be adjusted.

today it was only off line for 10Min's so all is back up and running.

Sorry the live feed for 35 was down for a few days its back up and running. 09/05/2009 3:16pm EST

35LSB is now up and running as of 9:29pm 30/3/09

Thanks to Blinky on 35 lsb for donating a radio

Well i have the live feed encoder running on a live feed PC you will be happy to know i hope before the end of next week i will have 35LSB back up and running, i just have to buy the parts needed to make the sound cable and were off and running.

you can connect to the live feed now to see if you can access it but you will not hear anything.

i  am looking into putting the HF 35LSB live feed back up here in Sydney,

this is Wat i am needing to get it back up please read this thread,597.0.html

and I'm not willing to host a UHF one here in Sydney, not as long as UHF CB is being controlled by Merry Burger and her Gutless thugs.


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